Course Descriptions
DPT 6100 Professional Physical Therapist Practice I (1 sem credit)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces the physical therapy profession, history, physical therapist roles, contemporary professional issues and advocacy, and the APTA. The student explores professional ethics and values, communication/collaboration, and cultural competence. Students self-reflect on their own values and mission to develop personal leadership and begin their journey as a physical therapist and lifelong professional identity development.
DPT 6212 Functional Movement (2 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces students to the science of movement and movement analysis. It begins by introducing physical therapy as a movement profession that uses the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health as vital in the process of clinical decision making. This course emphasizes concepts of neuroplasticity, theories of motor control, motor development, and motor learning.
DPT 6214 Clinical Medicine I (2 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces and initiates the integration of medical screening, pathophysiology, diagnostic imaging principles and techniques, and pharmacotherapeutics across various practice settings. The application uses a system based approach to identify disabilities across the lifespan.
DPT 6300 Human Physiology (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces students to the various physiological systems and principles that impact human movement and health across the lifespan through a multisystem approach of the human body. Students will gain an understanding of how to apply key characteristics of physiological systems into clinical reasoning to enhance evidence informed care and build the knowledge necessary for physical therapist practice.
DPT 6540 Physical Therapy Examination (5 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces interview, tests and measures, communication, and documentation skills used in physical therapist practice across multiple clinical settings. Lab activities include psychomotor skill training for vital signs, goniometry, muscle testing, anthropometric measures, and functional mobility skills inclusive of transfers and gait training with assistive devices.
DPT 6610 Human Anatomy (6 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Admission to Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This course introduces gross human anatomy and the anatomical basis for various movement system impairments, and prepares the learner for future application and growth across the didactic and clinical learning experiences. Topics include exploration of embryology, histology, and functional anatomy. Laboratory experiences include 3-dimensional anatomy software, cadaver prosections, living/surface anatomy, and anatomical models.
DPT 6221 Clinical Medicine II (2 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 1 courses
This course continues the integration of medical screening, pathophysiology, diagnostic imaging principles and techniques and pharmacotherapeutics across various practice settings with an emphasis on the musculoskeletal, neurologic, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. The knowledge gained will be used to provide evidence informed care across the lifespan.
DPT 6331 Physical Therapy Interventions (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 1 courses
This course provides an introduction to selection, application, and progression of principles and interventions across the lifespan and various clinical settings. This course incorporates concepts from the International Classification of Function, Disability, and Health into clinical practice. Knowledge from this course will be integrated across the clinical management courses to prepare for physical therapist practice.
DPT 6421 Clinical Research (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 1 courses
This course provides the necessary foundations for finding and interpreting health care research and applying them to the evidence-informed care of individual patients. Topics include searching the literature, critically appraising research studies, and applying biostatistical results within clinical reasoning. The course further builds student's professional identity as doctoral-level clinician-scientists.
DPT 6450 Applied Neuroscience (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 1 courses
This course builds on prior knowledge of anatomical cellular structure and function. Emphasis is placed on the central and peripheral nervous system regulation of movement and movement impairments that present from nervous system pathology. Lab activities apply foundational knowledge of neuroscience to the neurologic screen and a comprehensive neurological examination. Common outcome measures and assessment tools will be introduced.
DPT 6620 Musculoskeletal System I (Spine) (6 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 1 courses
This course introduces biomechanics, functional movement, and patient management principles of the spine, ribcage, and hip region. Emphasis of this course builds on prior learned anatomical structures and patient management using the clinical reasoning framework. Lab activities concentrate on psychomotor skills for examination, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise. Topics explore concepts of evidence informed practice across the lifespan.
DPT 6630 Musculoskeletal System II (6 sem credits)
This course introduces biomechanics, functional movement, and patient management principles of the lower and upper extremities. This course builds on prior learned anatomical structures and concepts related to patient management, using the clinical reasoning framework. Lab activities focus on psychomotor skills for examination, manual therapy, and therapeutic exercise. Topics explore concepts of evidence informed practice across the lifespan.
DPT 6431 Aging Adult (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 2 courses
This course introduces the management of the aging adult across inpatient and outpatient clinical settings. Topics include normal physiology of aging and common pathologies seen with aging. Coursework emphasizes understanding of ageism, frailty, fall risk, fall prevention, management of falls, and home environmental assessments, along with adaptations of interventions for the older adult.
DPT 6470 Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 2 courses
This course expands students’ knowledge of how the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic systems impact human movement across various practice settings. Students will learn, apply, and integrate assessment and management of system impairments into the clinical reasoning framework. Lab activities include ECG analysis, exercise testing, heart and lung auscultation, pulmonary function testing, and chest examination.
DPT 6531 Neuromuscular System (5 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 2 courses
This course applies clinical management to the patient with central and peripheral neurologic conditions. Emphasis of this course is on functional movement restoration using the clinical reasoning framework. Laboratory activities concentrate on psychomotor skills for functional interventions, therapeutic exercise, and neuromuscular reeducation. Topics explore concepts of evidence informed practice across the lifespan.
DPT 6220 Bracing, Prosthetics, and Orthotics (2 sem credits)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Semester 3 courses
This course applies student knowledge of functional anatomy, impairments, and movement analysis to advancing patient management with common braces, orthotics, and prosthetics utilized across physical therapist practice settings. Related pathophysiology and surgical conditions are integrated with didactic coursework. Lab activities emphasize gait and movement analysis, orthotics, residual limb management, prosthetics, and amputee rehabilitation.
DPT 6350 Pediatrics (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 3 courses
This course expands students knowledge of the practice of pediatric physical therapy by integrating the clinical reasoning framework into contemporary pediatric examination, assessment, interventions and outcome measures. Students will integrate family focused models of practice in the school and community environment, and will incorporate common congenital and childhood diagnosis advancing societal health in populations with childhood disorders.
DPT 6530 Clinical Integration I (5 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 3 courses
This course introduces systems-based pathology and expands on student knowledge from previous patient management courses integrating concepts of clinical reasoning in those with multiple co-morbidities and systems-based impairments. Emphasis is placed on integumentary/wound care, oncologic rehabilitation, edema management and higher level systems dysfunction. Learning will consist of case and problem-based learning in multiple care settings to prepare students for clinical practice.
DPT 6441 Clinical Experience I (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Trimester 3 courses, and demonstrated readiness for clinical education progression as determined by faculty.
This course is a full time (8-week) clinical experience, supervised by clinical faculty, during which students develop patient examination and intervention skills. Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and progress towards competency as a clinician as rated on the Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool. Students work to enhance communication skills and integrate evidence-based management of patient care.
DPT 6110 Doctoral Synthesis I (1 sem credit)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 4 courses
This course comprehensively reviews body systems, pathophysiological mechanisms, examination procedures and management strategies consistent with evidence-based practice and clinical guidelines. Students participate in independent study and sample examinations with a musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems focus, preparing students for an exit examination based on FSBPT Content Outline.
DPT 6151 Pain Science (1 sem credit)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 4 courses
This course introduces students to managing patients with chronic pain syndromes and associated psychosocial factors using emerging and contemporary concepts of assessment, education, treatment, and outcomes. Current best practice techniques and research are integrated to provide discussion of the multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary nature of chronic pain, to enhance evidence informed patient care, and to advance societal health.
DPT 6310 Health and Wellness Promotion (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 4 courses
This course applies prior coursework to individual and community health promotion and wellness. Students explore various domains and influencers of health and identify appropriate screening and testing procedures, culminating in individual patient and community interventions. An understanding of social determinants of health on culturally competent healthcare, wellness, and education is emphasized.
DPT 6360 Clinical Integration II (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 4 courses
This course advances student clinical reasoning, examination, differential diagnosis, and interventions as an interdependent practitioner across the lifespan in various clinical settings. Course activities emphasize mindful, holistic, and evidence-based physical therapist management of patients. Lab activities culminate in a comprehensive practical examination.
DPT 6370 Business Principles for the Physical Therapist (3 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 4 courses
This course provides an overview of practice management fundamentals and applies principles to various aspects of leadership and personal development, strategic planning, and business operations. Students gain knowledge in health care management, leadership, strategic planning, human resources, finance, organizational structures, and fiscal management as they relate to physical therapy practice.
DPT 6442 Clinical Experience II (4 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Trimester 4 courses, and demonstrated readiness for clinical education progression as determined by faculty.
This course is a full time (8-week) clinical experience, supervised by clinical faculty, during which students develop patient examination and intervention skills. Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and progress towards competency as a clinician as rated on the Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool. Students work to enhance communication skills and integrate evidence-based management of patient care.
DPT 6120 Doctoral Synthesis II (1 sem credit)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 5 courses
This course continues the comprehensive reviews of body systems, pathophysiological mechanisms, examination procedures and management strategies consistent with evidence-based practice and clinical guidelines. Students participate in independent study and sample examinations focusing on cardiovascular, pulmonary, other-systems, and non-systems, ultimately preparing students for an exit examination based on FSBPT Content Outline.
DPT 6270 Professional Physical Therapist Practice II (2 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 5 courses
This course explores core concepts and contemporary issues in health care and physical therapist practice, including social determinants of health, ethical practice, and supervisory responsibilities. Learners reflect on their own personal leadership development to refine professional mission/goals and build a portfolio in preparation for their career in physical therapy.
DPT 6710 Clinical Experience III (7 sem credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Semester 5 courses
This course is a full-time (15-week) clinical experience completed under the mentorship of clinical faculty. Students work toward mastery of patient examination and intervention skills. By the completion of this course, students should demonstrate entry-level physical therapist safety, professionalism and evidence-informed patient management skill, as rated on the Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool.